About Me

Hi! I am an assistant professor in Information Technology and the head of IT Research Facility at Department of Electrical and Information Engineering, Universitas Gadjah Mada.

My research mainly revolves around cyber-physical systems and applications of machine learning algorithms. In the past few years, I have been exploring blockchain related applications in securing the internet of things and distributed systems in general. Quite recently, I am also exploring the applications of machine learning in the field of climate and energy.

Previously, I obtained my PhD from the University of New South Wales, where I received the Dean’s Award for Outstanding PhD Theses, under the joint supervision of Prof Salil Kanhere, Prof Raja Jurdak, and Dr Volkan Dedeoglu. I received my master’s degree in Computing Science from the University of Groningen in 2017 and bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering from Universitas Gadjah Mada in 2014.

We host our research as open-source projects on our GitHub organization. Please have a look!

Available Projects

I am always open for collaborations with anyone. Students, academics, institutions, you name it. Feel free to drop me an email.

Available student projects are listed on this page. Other ideas are also welcome. Email me for further details.

What’s New

  • [September 2024] Attended a workshop about Integrated Water Management in China, organized by Hangzhou Regional Center for Small Hydro Power (HRC), funded by Ministry of Commerce, People’s Republic of China (MOFCOM).
  • [August 2024] Received research grant from Australia Awards Indonesia (AAI): Australian Alumni Grants 2024.
  • [June 2024] Received funding from the Directorate of Higher Education, Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (DIKTI): Hibah Penelitian Fundamental 2024.
  • [May 2024] Received funding from the Faculty of Engineering UGM (FT UGM): Hibah Komersialisasi Produk 2024.
  • [May 2024] Received a research grant from the Directorate of Research UGM (Direktorat Penelitian): RTA Grant 2024.
  • [March 2024] Received research funding from the Department of EIE: PHD Program 2024.
  • [January 2024] Officially appointed as Professional Engineers of Indonesia by PSPPI FT UGM.
  • [January 2024] Welcome Sani and Sena to our research team! Ale will be joining our team upon his arrival from Russia early next month. They all will be working on their thesis in the coming months, good luck!
  • [September 2023] I am thrilled and honored to be awarded a Dean’s Award for Outstanding PhD Theses from UNSW Sydney! I absolutely owe an immense debt of gratitude to my supervisors, Salil, Raja, and Volkan for this achievement!
  • [August 2023] I will be joining IEEE Blockchain Conference 2023 as a TPC member!
  • [August 2023] Completed an industry collaboration project with IT Department of PT Pupuk Kaltim (PKT), the largest urea fertilizer producer in Southeast Asia. The project involves utilization of AI/Machine Learning in PKT’s business processes.
  • [May 2023] Received a competitive research grant for recent PhD graduates! Funded by the Directorate of Research UGM (Direktorat Penelitian).
  • [March 2023] Received research funding from the Department of EIE: PHD Program.
  • [February 2023] My paper about trust managements in 6G-IoT is accepted to IEEE’s flagship conference on blockchain, IEEE ICBC 2023, Dubai!
  • [February 2023] Returned to Universitas Gadjah Mada with full academic responsibilities.
  • [December 2022] My PhD degree is officially conferred!
  • [September 2022] Started a new role at UNSW Sydney as a Research Associate.
  • [September 2022] Visited 9th HLF in Heidelberg, Germany, as one of the young researchers invitees.