
I have been privileged to collaborate with highly motivated students and colleagues, enabling us to conduct cutting-edge research together.

Research Associate

Muhammad Shidiq
Research associate in climate and energy modeling.

Master’s Students

Dimas Arief Rahman Kurniawan
Topic: multi-modal AI assistant for billing management (PLN).

Bachelor’s Students

Mufidus Sani
Topic: decentralized emission trading system.

Adya Sena Pamungkas
Topic: blockchain-based Domain Name System.

Christian Ale Perdana
Topic: interoperability of self-sovereign identities.

Bintang Restu Bawono
Topic: federated learning for financial services.

Research Asistant

Mochammad Novaldy Pratama Hakim
Project: interoperability in siloed medical records.

Maulana Anjari Anggorokasih
Project: interoperability in siloed medical records.

Muhammad Muqtada Alhaddad
Project: cloud-based digital signage system.

Muhammad Fathan Zahir
Project: cloud-based digital signage system.

Muchammad Daniyal Kautsar
Project: gait-based person reidentification.

Bagus Rakadyanto Oktavianto Putra
Project: gait-based person reidentification.