
I have been privileged to collaborate with highly motivated students and colleagues, enabling us to conduct cutting-edge research together.

Research Associate

Muhammad Shidiq
Research associate in climate and energy modeling.

Master’s Students

Dimas Arief Rahman Kurniawan
Topic: multi-modal AI assistant for billing management (PLN).

Maulidi Adi Prasetia
Topic: multi-modal privacy preserving federated learning for mobile edge computing.

Rahmat Ismoyo Putro
Topic: anomaly detection in AMR data with machine learning (PLN).

Bachelor’s Students

Bintang Restu Bawono
Topic: federated learning for financial services.

Bagus Rakadyanto Oktavianto Putra
Topic: llm for cybersecurity.

Aufa Nasywa Rahman
Topic: trusted data layer as a service in data-intensive applications.

Franciscus Marselino Handoyo
Topic: air quality monitoring and modeling.

Ahmad Zaki Akmal
Topic: fault tolerant web services using blockchain.

Research Asistant

Bagus Rakadyanto Oktavianto Putra
Project: endorsement-driven ssi for iot.
